Olympic Weightlifting Techniques - Advance

Schedule : On-going SPC Class

Place : AQ Strong
Price : $3,420 / 12 sessions

> By signing up, you are able to join all our SPC classes (Including WL Beg)!

SPC : Olympic Weightlifting Techniques - Advance


此為 SPC.課堂中的恆堂班,適合有基本奧運舉重知識 或 至少半年舉重經驗人士。教練亦會因應情況建議你配搭其他 SPC 課堂以協助提升你於舉重上的表現。

Use a systematic approach to get stronger and faster in Olympic Weightlifting. The goal is to improve your performance in the Snatch and the Clean&Jerk.

This is one of our regular SPC classes. Coach may suggest you to incorporate other SPC classes in your training schedule to enhance your performance in O-lift. 

適合對象 Target Audience
有基本舉重知識 / 半年或以上舉重經驗
Have basic weightlifting knowledge / half a year or more experience in olympic weightlifting

使用期限 Package Period
開始首節課堂後起計 12 星期
Credits valid for 12 Weeks after your first class. 
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Class Schedule


Wed 1 pm / Thu 8 pm / Sat 12 pm

- limited to 8 people per class
- 55 mins per session

MEET THE coach

Alvin CHAN

S&C, Olympic Weightlifting Coach

Alvin is a passionate weightlifting enthusiast who fell in love with strength training at the age of 19. Having faced numerous plateaus and injuries early on, he is now dedicated to helping others achieve optimal results while avoiding the mistakes he once made.

Recently, Alvin competed in the International Weightlifting Competition SWI and secured the 1st runner-up position in the Men’s 73 kg Open Session!
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