
Indian Clubs for Mobility & Shoulder Rehab

Date: 17th Dec 2022
Time: 2:30pm - 4:00pm
Place: AQ Strong
Price: $100

Indian Clubs 訓練節奏輕快,喺不經不覺間已經達到各種訓練效果,令提升關節活動度同埋復原嘅過程更輕鬆容易!

Indian Clubs 為負重訓練,於喚醒肌肉及增強肌耐力上皆有顯著功效。唔少運動員教練同治療師,包括今次工作坊嘅教練 - 高峰,都已經將 Indian Clubs 加入訓練,協肋提升活動度,抒緩如手腕,肩頸,背部等緊繃或痛症問題。

Indian Clubs are built around rhythm and timing, which make the ideal for training and rehab of upper extremity while being a fun and easy skill to learn.

Indian clubs use loaded movements which have remarkable effects on muscle activation and enhancing strength endurance. Athletes and specialists - including our workshop instructor Coach Ko Fung, use club swinging to address a wide range of upper extremity concerns including wrist & grip problems, stiff neck, shoulder and upper back pain. 

*Course will be instructed in Cantonese
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Let's have fun and feel better already

Part 1

Movement Stability


Some easy stability exercises to warm your body and brain cells up

Part 2

Mobility Training 

利用 Indian Clubs 嘅重力及動量,加強動態訓練效果

With the help of Indian Clubs, you will regain your mobility without feeling struggle

Part 3

Active Recovery & Rehab

學習如何透過 Indian Clubs 練習抒援身體不適及痛症

Learn the exercises tailor-made for common modern problems and  keep on practising at home! 

Write your awesome label here.

Join the Workshop for FREE

於 Be Athletic 商店購買 Indian Clubs, 即請你免費上工作坊!
Show us your passion by getting your own pair of clubs, meels or Gada and the workshop fee is on us! 
選項 1 :工作坊前購買 Indian Clubs 
Get the clubs BEFORE workshop
凡購買任何類型 Indian Clubs,即可免費報名工作坊!購買後可 WhatsApp +852 6763 2813 查詢報名詳情 。

Purchase any Clubs, Meels or Gadas at our Be Athletic Shop and join the workshop for free! WhatsApp +852 6763 2813 to reserve a spot after purchase. 

選項 2 :工作坊後購買 Indian Clubs
Get full rebate AFTER workshop          
於工作坊當日購買 Indian Clubs,即可扣減工作坊報名費用!

If you get a pair of Indian Clubs on-site within the same day of the workshop, you will be able to get a FULL REBATE of the workshop fee on the Indian Clubs! 

MEET THE Instructor

Fung KO

EXOS (US) - Personal Training Course
EXOS (US) - Performance Specialist Course
Neuro Kinetic Therapy® - LV3
Immaculate Dissolution 1-6
Function Anatomy Seminars - FRC® Mobility Specialist (FRCms)
Stick Mobility - Level 2 Stick Mobility® Movement Specialist
Academy Exxentric - Level 1 Flywheel Training® 
TRX - Level 1 Suspension Training®


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