Shoulder Mobility Manual

by AQ Strong Network Coach Benjamin Fan

No one loves rounded or shrugged shoulder. This kind of unwanted posture is the result of tightness and weakness in certain muscle groups most often. It doesn’t look good and doesn’t function well either. This manual is a minimalist training guide to address this issue for those who are looking for shoulder health and strength.

The training requires No equipment with No prerequisites.

Class will be conducted in Cantonese.
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Course Outline

-lifetime access to video library,
-Training videos

V1. Introduction of rounded shoulder and poor posture
V2. Cat Camel (spinal and pelvic mobility)
V3. Hip Flexor drills
V4. Middle Back& Shoulder external rotation drills
V5. Prone Face Pull 
V6. Prayer Stretch
V7. Pec Stretch
V8. Follow along routine
Meet the instructor

Benjamin FAN

Benjamin is a teacher, specialised in bodyweight training and exercise anatomy. He founded his team 肌本野 (Spartant) to promote health to general public since 2016. His philosophy stands on minimalist training to avoid distractions. His classes are technical and injected with some sense of humor.

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