Self-Study Course

Theragun Basics

用 30 分鐘認識你嘅 Theragun | Know your Theragun in 30 mins
Theragun 除咗可以放鬆肌肉,你有冇諗過,佢仲可以用於提升運動表現,甚至達到治療效果?

一般坊間錯誤認為,隨便震動肌肉就能得到效果,其實不然。Theragun 源用嘅震動及敲擊療法 (Percussive Therapy University),經過 9 間院校,一共 20 個研究得出證明,按摩槍必需配以合適幅度、頻率、及力量先能夠得到相應效果。

本課程為你簡介 Theragun 嘅基本操作原理以及使用注意事項,更會示範運動前後嘅常用治療程序。教你全面發揮 Theragun 嘅功效 。

你都可以準備好你嘅 Theragun 跟住一齊做㗎!

 Get Your Theragun At BE ATHLETIC SHOP

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About Theragun

在按摩槍的歷史裡面,Theragun 成功開發了整個運動復康(Recovery)的市場。現行流行的按摩槍產品,全都帶著Theragun原創的設計特色。作為按摩槍始祖公司,Theragun致力於科研、教育、改良、產品種類持續開發,多年來在國際市場上獨佔鰲頭。


Ivan KU

Movement Correction Coach |
Youth and Community Leader |
Speed & Agility Coach

Ivan 身為香港足毽隊體能教練,經常協助運動員改善痛症問題並協助他們重返訓練的道路。Ivan是NKT Lv3 Master治療師,並修讀Immaculate Dissection, FRC 等國際課程,了解身體神經肌肉結構。熟悉多項運動及人體動態的Ivan擅於把複雜的動作拆解並以簡單易明的教學令各位的學習更有效率。Ivan曾經為Ironman三鐵運動員,所以深明適當的回復方式對於運動表現及避免受傷有很大的關係。

Movement Therapist and HK Shuttlecock Team S&C coach, spends much of his time helping athletes to be pain free and return to perform. Ivan is a NKT Lv3 Master, Immaculate Dissection and FRC Practitioner. His understanding of human movement and sports help him break down complicated concepts into easy to understand ideas, making learning more efficient. Trained as in Ironman triathlete, he has great understanding of proper recovery, injury prevention and performance.
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