EXOS Performance Mentorship
- PHASE 2 & 3
AQ Strong Academy 將於 2023 年10月份舉辦 EXOS Phase 2 & Phase 3美國遊學團!名額有限, 報名從速!
經過Phase 1 學習 EXOS 運動表現訓練系統後,Phase 2 & 3 將會帶大家探訪美國 EXOS訓練基地,由當地教練團隊帶領深入探討 EXOS訓練系統細節, 理論及實際應用方法。為期兩星期嘅課程中,除了學習從教練角度理解及實踐 EXOS 運動表現訓練方法, 教練亦會給予學員即時的回饋及指導。
同學們可以親身體驗 EXOS 完整運動表現訓練系統: 從評估、檢測、熱身、動作技巧、速度、轉向、爆發力、力量、能量系統、到營養及不同恢復方法。課程包涵運動科學理論, 動作技巧指導及實踐,更有機會與經驗豐富嘅教練團隊交流討論,解答同學們嘅問題,將所學內容融會貫通。
In Oct 2023, AQ Strong Academy is having our EXOS Mentorship (Phase 2 & 3) at EXOS's headquarter in the US, Arizona!
Since we have went thought the fundamental structure in the EXOS system, we will keep on exploring the content more in-depth in phase 2 & 3. There will be theory lectures and practical sessions in the 2-week mentorship. You will be introduced to the latest training technology adapted in the EXOS system, and be given plenty of opportunities to learn from the best on how to integrate EXOS system into your training program in the most effective way.
*課程將會全程以英語進行,廣東話附助解釋 *Course will be conducted in English with Cantonese assistance available
經過Phase 1 學習 EXOS 運動表現訓練系統後,Phase 2 & 3 將會帶大家探訪美國 EXOS訓練基地,由當地教練團隊帶領深入探討 EXOS訓練系統細節, 理論及實際應用方法。為期兩星期嘅課程中,除了學習從教練角度理解及實踐 EXOS 運動表現訓練方法, 教練亦會給予學員即時的回饋及指導。
同學們可以親身體驗 EXOS 完整運動表現訓練系統: 從評估、檢測、熱身、動作技巧、速度、轉向、爆發力、力量、能量系統、到營養及不同恢復方法。課程包涵運動科學理論, 動作技巧指導及實踐,更有機會與經驗豐富嘅教練團隊交流討論,解答同學們嘅問題,將所學內容融會貫通。
In Oct 2023, AQ Strong Academy is having our EXOS Mentorship (Phase 2 & 3) at EXOS's headquarter in the US, Arizona!
Since we have went thought the fundamental structure in the EXOS system, we will keep on exploring the content more in-depth in phase 2 & 3. There will be theory lectures and practical sessions in the 2-week mentorship. You will be introduced to the latest training technology adapted in the EXOS system, and be given plenty of opportunities to learn from the best on how to integrate EXOS system into your training program in the most effective way.
*課程將會全程以英語進行,廣東話附助解釋 *Course will be conducted in English with Cantonese assistance available
Schedule Overview
29 Oct, 2023
Optional Site Visits
The EXOS Centre (Phoenix, AZ)
flexible payment plans available