AQ Strong + Exxentric Exclusive!
Athletic Strength Anywhere
— featuring kBox
— featuring kBox
Train the full spectrum of strength, power and metabolic with our secret ingredient - Flywheel Inertia. You'll never need to compromise your goals regardless of where you train if you have a kBox. Our complete strength program uses the foundation of Exxentric kBox4 to train the full spectrum for hypertrophy, max strength and power.
Flywheel inertia is used globally by Strength and Conditioning Coaches and is a cornerstone of AQ Strong's Strength and Power Program. The Inertia training means you can train with maximal effort and intensity using Power (Watts) as your loading metric. Since flywheel creates force through all phases (Isometric, Concentric, Eccentric) and can use high velocity the training benefits are limitless.
飛輪訓練是我們其中一個有效提高運動表現的秘密武器。kBox 提供靈活的可變阻力,令你身處何時何地都能進行全方位的肌力、爆發力以及代謝體能訓練。
Flywheel inertia is used globally by Strength and Conditioning Coaches and is a cornerstone of AQ Strong's Strength and Power Program. The Inertia training means you can train with maximal effort and intensity using Power (Watts) as your loading metric. Since flywheel creates force through all phases (Isometric, Concentric, Eccentric) and can use high velocity the training benefits are limitless.
飛輪訓練是我們其中一個有效提高運動表現的秘密武器。kBox 提供靈活的可變阻力,令你身處何時何地都能進行全方位的肌力、爆發力以及代謝體能訓練。
目前世界各地的運動教練已廣泛地應用飛輪慣性訓練,AQ Strong 的力量及爆發力鍛練計劃同樣以此為基石。藉由飛輪慣性的原理,刺激各種肌肉收縮型態(等長收縮、向心收縮及離心收縮)讓你能夠更不受限制、更有效率地進行高強度訓練。
Price: $25200
*Installment plan available 設有分期付款計劃!
Price includes delivery to your door